Being in Control (part 1)

Being in Control (part 1)

You know the saying don't trip over things you can't control but rather focus on the things you can control... Well, that’s a part of your everyday self-care routine!

Here are a couple of examples of things you can't control:


  • The actions of others!

This is something I am still learning to this day, sometimes you just must let go because you can’t control what others do, especially what they do to/for you, no matter what you do for them!


  • The past & the future!

Time is never-ending. The only thing you can control is the time you’re living in right now.


  • The opinions of others.

We should not care what other people think. This is something I think I am over, but I catch myself from time to time not doing something because of what the next person may perceive it as. If everybody cared what the next person thinks there would be no originality, no creativity just a plain bland world; who wants that? 


  • The outcome of your efforts.

Once I try my hardest at something what comes from it, is out of my control. At the end of the day, I know I did my best so what happens next is what happens. 


  • How others take care of themselves.

Now, this is what I struggle with the most! You can't help people that don't want to be helped! You can't make someone live a better life just because you want them to, they must want it as well. 


Next week we can go over things we CAN control! So, for this week start letting go of the frustration of not having control over what you can’t control.


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